Josh Dinaburg + Dan Gottuk Win the Research Foundation Medal at NFPA Conference

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Jul 10, 2015

Cooking fire prevention technologies project wins Research Foundation Medal

Congratulations to Josh Dinaburg, Sr. Engineer at Jensen Hughes, and Dr. Daniel Gottuk, Technical Director at Jensen Hughes, for being awarded the Fire Protection Research Foundation Medal for their winning project, “Development of Standardized Cooking Fires for Evaluation of Prevention Technologies Data Analysis.” The project developed standard fire scenarios and create test methods and performance criteria which feed into standards development, and provided a standardized approach for recognition of cooking fire prevention technologies.

The Research Foundation Medal recognizes a project that best expressed the Foundation’s safety mission, technical challenges overcome, and collaborative approach to execution.

This winning project was sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and was led by a multi-industry steering team, including government agencies and the insurance industry. Collaboration from the association of Home Appliance Manufacturers was key to the projects’ success. Jensen Hughes was the Foundation’s contractor for the project. (Source:

Click here to watch a video of the presentation of the Fire Protection Research Foundation Medal at the General Session for Conference and Expo.