Ensuring reliable, efficient + safe global manufacturing facilities

Manufacturing facilities of all types can present major risks and hazards that can ultimately cause severe business losses, such as structural and equipment damage, and injuries or fatalities. Frequently, the hazards may be unknown, which is why we bring an independent, diverse, experienced team to analyze and prioritize hazard prevention and mitigation methods. Whether the hazards involve combustible dust, flammable liquids, toxic or pyrophoric materials, we will partner with you to meet your safety objectives, working within your budget. Our innovative solutions address novel hazards that don’t fit in the prescriptive standards, helping you develop or implement first-of-kind processes and address challenges developing code-compliant facilities. Our team will help ensure your manufacturing or processing facility has protection right-sized for your needs.

Related Capabilities

Fire + Life Safety Systems Design

Compliant, integrated solutions that address fire and life safety matters within the built environment.


Develop an accessible compliant design and manage the risk of future claims. 

Fire + Life Safety Building Commissioning

We provide quality control process to verify that your systems will perform as intended.

Combustible Dust Safety

Assess your risk and optimize mitigation strategies to prevent combustible dust explosions.

Process Safety

Develop, implement, maintain, audit or improve your Process Safety Management (PSM) program.

Testing, Research + Development

Our advanced in-house laboratory, testing and modeling services support our investigative work.

Failure Analysis

We pinpoint the root cause of your industrial failure and help get you back on track as quickly and safely as possible.

Risk Analysis

In-depth risk and external hazard analyses, probabilistic risk assessments and risk mitigation services.

Business Continuity

Effective business continuity plans identify critical business processes to limit operational impact.


Hazardous chemical analysis and management platform.


Through our web-based SMARTPLAN™ software, companies can easily access and effectively integrate emergency response plans.

Biomechanics + Biomedical Engineering

Our team of forensic scientists determine if machinery, instruments or facilities issues caused injury or fatality.

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