Powerful tools to provide actionable insight that keep people safe

Fire protection can be complex, especially without the right technology solutions in place. Having a complete toolset to identify vulnerabilities and support your risk-informed decisions can help you protect lives and save money. Our innovative fire protection software solutions help streamline permitting processes, analyze engineering and maintenance activities, and improve compliance for the lifecycle of the building.


Store fire protection management program information in a single location. FPS modules work in conjunction with managing your fire protection program by automating processes and creating systematic approaches for permitting, managing plant data, and reporting.


ARCPlus™ is a software suite that evaluates safe shutdown/Nuclear Safety Compliance Assessments and Non-Power modes of nuclear power plants. ARCPlus™ includes a Fire Probabilistic Assessment module which interfaces with a quantification engine and a Fire Hazards Analysis module providing regulatory compliance tools and fire protection system and feature management.


PARAGON™ is a ‘Risk Monitor’ that analyzes the configuration of systems that are ‘unavailable’ to perform their intended function; the unavailability could be a result of maintenance or failure. During facility operation, risk assessments can be performed on a real-time basis for the facility equipment configuration along with other environment factors.


A cloud-based hazardous material inventory database design tool and risk analysis review platform all in one to help mitigate risk.


Provides Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) a fast method to accurately calculate fire suppression systems via an intuitive user interface.

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