Solutions for managing your emergency response

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is particularly challenging for healthcare facilities and has stressed day-to-day emergency preparedness efforts and emergency healthcare operations. We are working closely with many healthcare organizations to prepare for their response and provide local on-site surge strategies and comprehensive remote support.

Alternate Care Site Support

The conversion of existing or temporary facilities to Alternate Care Sites (ACS) during the COVID-19 pandemic has become a priority across the nation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been working quickly to establish ACS locations and we are working alongside them to ensure that staff and patients are protected from human, technological and natural disasters or threats.

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Catastrophic Surge Capacity Program

The surge of COVID-19 cases is greatly impacting hospital bed demand and facilities are looking for ways to manage a sudden influx of patients. We’ve modified our Catastrophe Surge Capacity program to offer both full and specialized assessments to help your organization identify usable space, staffing requirements, beds and equipment requirements and necessary policies and procedures needed to address these challenges.

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On-demand Emergency Management Support

As healthcare facilities are activating their Emergency Operations Plans, our team can provide remote or on-site support to Incident Management Teams throughout the pandemic. Our experts can facilitate and manage documentation and workflows, assist with the development of Incident Action Plans, track and trend information and develop an After-Action Report.

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Event After-Action Report and Improvement Planning

CMS, the Joint Commission, DNV and all AOs require your event to be properly documented after a public health event. Our experts can consult with your team remotely during the pandemic to establish the correct response cadence and documentation, provide routine touchpoints and guide your facility team in completing your After-Action Report post-event.

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Mutual Aid Plan Support

During emergency events such as COVID-19, facilities can struggle to secure the resources and assets needed to provide adequate care or to shelter-in-place. Facilities that are members Mutual Aid Plans (MAP) and Healthcare Coalitions can find open beds and resources quickly and in real-time with the use of our web-based technology. Our experts can help your team gather data and share that information throughout your organization and community partners. We currently administer Mutual Aid plans for CT, MA, RI and upstate NY, as well as support many Integrated Health Systems and Healthcare coalitions nationwide.

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