A headshot image of Vera Egorova

Vera Egorova

Fire Safety Engineer

Tampere - Finland

Vera on työskennellyt paloturvallisuusalalla kaksi vuotta toimien paloteknisenä piirtäjänä. Vera on löytänyt kutsumuksensa paloturvallisuusalalta ja hänellä on monipuolinen kansainvälinen tausta. Veralla on kokemusta monenlaisista kohteista kuten hotelleista, asuinrakennuksista ja kouluista.

Vera has been in the fire safety industry for the last two years working behind the scenes as a technical drawer. With an international background and diverse experience, Vera has found her calling in the fire safety sector. She has been involved in a number of fire safety design projects for a range of sites, including hotels, residential buildings, and schools.

Education / Certifications
  • B.Eng., Civil Engineer, Structural Engineering, Häme University of Applied Sciences

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