A headshot image of Katja Haapamäki

Katja Haapamäki

Fire Safety Engineer

Helsinki - Finland

Katjalla on yli 15 vuoden kokemus paloturvallisuuden alalta. Ennen uraansa paloteknisen suunnittelun ja konsultoinnin parissa, Katja työskenteli palotarkastajana. Hänellä on laajasti kokemusta erityyppisistä projekteista kouluista asuntorakennuksiin ja voimaloihin. Viime vuosina Katja on keskittynyt erityisesti sairaalaprojekteihin.

Katja has more than 15 years of experience in fire safety. Before joining the design and consulting side of the industry, Katja worked as a Fire Inspector. She has worked with various kinds of projects from schools and residental buildings to power plants, and during the recent years, Katja has focused on hospital projects

Education / Certifications
  • Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law, University of Eastern Finland
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Safety, Security and Risk Management, Laurea University of Applied Sciences

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